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Retirement Plan Solutions

If you are a business owner, you have different responsibilities and challenges when it comes to establishing and maintaining a company retirement plan.

The first challenge is that few, if any, small companies understand the fee structure of their plan and are paying too much for their retirement plan. Although investment providers are now obligated to disclose the fees being charged for the plan, the way it normally is done is very confusing even for the financially astute.

The second challenge is that you, the plan sponsor, are being held to a level of a fiduciary. This comes with risks that many business owners don’t even realize. It is important to align yourself with a competent professional who is up to speed on the ever changing legislation and can help mitigate your liability.  

Estrada Webb & Associates serves as a Plan Advisor for several Qualified Retirement Plans (including 401(k) plans), bringing tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of business owners.